On Point Newsletter Jun 26 Issue
Seigel-Healthy Mind Platter.MFP week 1
Seigel,Healthy Mind Platter Overview
Mindfulness Programs In Schools Reduce Symptoms Of Depression Among AdolescentsBody Scan Meditation
Countdown from 10 Mini-meditationCountdown from 10 Mini-meditation
Body Scan Meditation and Countdown
- Margaret Jones Callahan: Entering the Stream: Mindfulness Based Art Therapy; Insights,British Columbia Association of Clinical Counselors Journal, May 2012
- Association for Mindfulness In Education: http://www.mindfuleducation.org
- The Importance of Teaching Minfulness blogs.kqed.org/mindshift/…/the-importance-of-teaching.
books / articles
- The Mindful Brain: Reflection and Attunement In The Cultivation of Well Being, Daniel Siegel